by Doug Atkinson (

  1. pass a pile of leaves and stop to count them.

  2. grab everything in sight, because "if it's in the game, it must have a purpose, right?"

  3. find yourself in a large building and start dropping objects to mark your path.

  4. put your books in a sealed container every time you go near water.

  5. try to convince your friends to play Hukka-Bukka- Beanstalk.

  6. try to switch to LEWD mode every time you encounter a member of the opposite sex.

  7. mutter "z" to yourself whenever nothing's happening.

  8. only walk in the eight primary compass directions.

  9. keep all your valuable items in your living room.

  10. say "Hello Sailor" to everyone you meet, in case it works this time.

  11. save every key you find, because there must be a lock later in the game.

  12. introduce yourself to people by your name, your title, the turn number, and the number of points you currently have.

  13. sleep with a night light to keep the grues away.

  14. take an inventory of your possessions whenever you're unsure what to do.

  15. constantly carry a pencil and paper to map your location.

  16. gather fluff, wherever it may be found.

  17. ask all questions in the form "PERSON, TELL ME ABOUT THE THING." ("Professor, tell me about the exam." "Bob, tell me about the drill press.")

  18. check your blood pressure whenever you're annoyed, to make sure you don't die.

  19. find yourself asking Sgt. Duffy to analyze anything you don't understand.

  20. feed sandwiches to all the stray dogs you encounter, "just in case."

  21. find yourself rephrasing whenever you try something that doesn't work.

  22. odd moments, you taste yourself, smell yourself, and feel yourself just to see what results you get.

  23. touch every mirror you encounter, and steel yourself against insults every time you look into one.

  24. refer to the celebration of [the Fourth of July/Guy Fawkes Day, depending on your country] as "gratuitous fireworks."

  25. look forward to spring, so you can find all the Easter eggs you've been missing.

  26. try not to study too hard, because with all that information buzzing around in your brain, something might get lost in the shuffle.

  27. dig under oak trees in search of chocolate truffles.

  28. abbrev all the long words you use to six letter or less.

  29. suggest singing "Winter Bozbarland" and "Plover the River and Frotz the Woods" while carolling.

  30. carry your stethoscope under your hat.

  31. blame your ignorance on missing documentation.

  32. immediately say "UNDO" after making a stupid mistake.

  33. argue that the afterlife exists, but that your only options in it are to restore, restart, or quit.

  34. can't tell the difference between a garden and a gardener.

  35. buy a box of sugar cubes and give them all names.

  36. get your Double Fanucci handicap below 30.

  37. constantly keep an eye out for the lost Prince of Kaldorn.

  38. ...your will specifies neither cremation nor burial, but disappearance in a cloud of black smoke.

Sources for some of the more obscure references mentioned above:

1. Zork I and Leather Goddesses of Phobos. (69,105)
4. Spellbreaker.
5. Planetfall (I always wondered how it was played...).
6. Leather Goddesses of Phobos, of course.
9. Zork I.
10. The Zork series.
13. Anything in the Zork setting.
16. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
18. Bureaucracy.
19. Deadline, The Witness, and Suspect.
20. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
22. Most games, but Zork produces the best results to this one. (Smell yourself in Lurking Horror sometime, but save first.)
23. Zork I.
24. Beyond Zork (the description of the credits spell).
26. The Enchanter series.
27. Beyond Zork.
28. Any of the early games, before they extended it to nine letters.
29. Beyond Zork.
30. Sherlock.
31. Lost Treasures of Infocom, particularly Moonmist and Ballyhoo.
34. Deadline (see #28).
35. Spellbreaker.
36. Spellbreaker and Zork Zero.
37. As mentioned above, Enchanter. Does anyone remember the really old Zork choose-your-own-adventure books? In the first one, one of the false paths (just to see if you were cheating) went something like, "If you got the magic sneakers from the Prince of Kaldorn, turn to page 39." In the second book, the Prince actually turned up and gave you a set of magic sneakers. I was very pleased when I bought LToI I, finally played Enchanter and ran into the Prince of Kaldorn again (well, sort of). (He also turns up in the Invisiclues for that game, although he's using magic pajamas this time.)
38. Zork I.

Doug Atkinson
Artículo aparecido en el XYZZYnews #6
Reprinted with permission from Eileen Mullin

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